When your pet is undergoing routine or expected surgery at Rice Village Animal Hospital, pre-surgery blood work will be conducted to assure strong internal health. You will be asked to withhold food after 10 p.m. the night before the surgery and to bring your pet to the hospital the morning of the surgery.

All patients are given a pre-surgery exam in the morning. The surgery will be done during the day and routine surgeries usually go home that evening. More complicated cases may require a longer stay.

In all cases, patients of Rice Village Animal Hospital are closely monitored throughout surgical procedures and recovery. Our attentive and compassionate staff are available to you and will keep you updated every step of the way.

These standards include a pre-anesthetic blood panel, ECG (electrocardiogram), individually tailored pain management, IV (intravenous) catheter and fluids, warm water blankets, careful anesthetic monitoring and a dedicated veterinary technician during surgery and recovery.